Responsive CSS3 Modal Gallery (with Selectivizr IE8 support)
This is version 4a. It is the same as version 4 except with Selectivizr installed to make it work on IE8, so please refer to the version 4 page for more information about features and other JavaScript enhancements.
Click on an image below to bring the gallery to life (and resize the browser window for slinky responsiveness)...
- Version 1: Responsive CSS3 Modal Gallery (no JavaScript)
- Version 2: Responsive CSS3 Modal Gallery (with JavaScript on-demand images)
- Version 3: Responsive CSS3 Modal Gallery (with JavaScript on-demand images + keyboard controls)
- Version 4: Responsive CSS3 Modal Gallery (with JavaScript on-demand images, keyboard controls + pagination)
- Version 5: PHP Responsive CSS3 Modal Gallery (with JavaScript on-demand images, keyboard controls + pagination)
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