Responsive CSS3 Any Content Slider (with JavaScript auto-play)

TEST CASE - sequential JavaScript radio activation demo

Fast Edit v1 - Content Management System (1/5)
Get a free and easy CMS to edit your website! Includes file manager and page manager with a one-click interface to easily arrange the menu.

[ demo | download ]

Fast Feed v1 - RSS News Feed Manager (2/5)
Get a nifty news manager to edit and update an RSS v2.0 xml file. Supports multiple users and includes optional image upload and one-click archiving.

[ demo | download ]

Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager) (3/5)
Get a no-fuss website snippet editor. Easy setup, runs in the back-end, and supports multiple snippets of editable content on any number of web pages.

[ demo | download ]

Responsive CSS3 Multi-Level Menu (4/5)
A responsive, CSS-only, multi-level menu that uses CSS3 transitions. With drop-down, horizontal desktop view and sliding, off-canvas mobile view.

[ demo | download ]

Fast Warn v1 - Alert Message Manager (5/5)
Get a hassle-free message manager to display an alert box or critical warning to vistors. Use the RSS file to feed alerts to social media websites.

[ demo | download ]



Looking for more freebies for your website? Grab a bunch of free PHP, CSS and JavaScript goodies, from flat file CMS' to RSS managers to responsive CSS menus, galleries and sliders.